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Seminar on Science Communication Creativity In The Digital Age Event Start Commweeks

JAKARTA (UNAS) – Communication Science Student Association (HIMAKOM) National University held a Commweeks activities. HIMAKOM celebration has entered its second year. This time, Commweeks preceded by a seminar entitled “Creativity in Science Communication in the Digital Age,” which presents a variety of qualified experts in the fields of communication, namely Dr. Drs Henri S (Staff Expert MCIT), Latief Siregar (News Manager RCTI), Irwan Whayudianto (Art Director of Fortune Indonesia), and Dian Umar (Vice Chairman Perhumas Indonesia).

The seminar was opened by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty IlmuSosial and Political Science (Social) Public Administration and Academic Affairs, Dr. Aris Munandar, M.Si, starting with the beating of gongs. Aris greatly appreciate the speaker pleasure to present to share their experiences, knowledge and insight they are in the world of digital communications to students majoring in science communication in UNAS. “You (students) also have to keep learning to master digital technology in order to capture opportunities in the world of work increasingly competitive communications and creative,” said Aris, while giving a speech in the Hall UNAS, Monday (20/2).

On the same occasion, Staff Kemenkominfo, Henri S gives a presentation on the transition from the era of physical communication into the digital age which he has become the trend of change in the current era. For example, according to data from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) in 2016 the number of television viewers young age dropped dramatically so that led to television enthusiasts figures only in the interest of most of the audience in the elderly. According to Henri declining interest of young people to watch television due to the magnitude of smartphones role in providing various kinds of information more detailed and complete.

“With the quality of gadget technology more perfect then we can easily do many things through our gadgets. From start to call, sms, read the news, watch a favorite show, listening to music even buying and selling transactions can be easily carried. Therefore, he appealed to the students so that with the development of digital technology is expected the young generation to master a wide range of applications, both hardware and software that can be used for a positive purpose as a vehicle or container channel the creativity and innovation that can generate value in the future, ” he said.

Meanwhile, the second speaker Latief Siregar as News Manager RCTI highlights the pivotal role played about smartphone or gadget in daily life – a day which he actually limit the movement and the mobility of young people who tend to be spoiled and lazy by too easy technology. He pointed out how often people of Indonesia in accessing or open applications such as Facebook, Twitter, WA, Line, Instagram. This is what triggered the increased number of internet users from 5 million up significantly to 132 million users in 2016.

He advised that we are wiser, more critical and more adventurous in choosing news media news and media Abal – Abal are now scattered on Internet. “Let us trust the media that has already proven to be credible and his truth. As an aspiring journalist should we always pay attention to the ethics of journalism, journalistic principles including 5 W + 1 H which is now slowly begin to decrease due to the many media media- Abal – Abal more concerned material by ignoring the scientific aspects of their journalism, “he said.
Present as the guest speaker Dian Anggraeni cover Umar as Vice Chairman of Indonesian Perhumas tried to share his experience in the world of journalism. By trying to explore the potential of the audience who attended the method “Start To Think Without The Box” .The mean if we want to succeed in the world of digital as it is now necessary to focus and creative attitude in providing an interesting spectacle as well as treats for Internet users. Of course, by presenting the content – content that is different both in terms of appearance, the writing and the message to be conveyed.
“Today we can easily earn money just by posting videos on you tube we could become famous and has many followers or also we can make memalui startup businesses – start-ups that are now in great demand. Hopefully it will be a lot of born innovators – bright young innovators and creative as Ahmad Zaky (CEO Open Stalls), Nadiem Makarim (CEO Gojek) and Awkarin sudden become a trendsetter at this time, “he concluded

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