
The targets are as follows:
1.     Increase the study program relevancy with the current needs and demans from stakeholders as well as the development of social and political sciences.
2.    Increase independence, leadeship and grauate adaptibility with their suroundings
3.    Increase efficiency, efectivity and productivity in the teachind process and education management
4.    Increase the academic atmosphere
5.    Increase the quality of the internal management information system
6.     Increase the monitoring andn evaluation of education that is accountable for internal quality assesment
7.    Increase the quality of academic staff and supporting staffs
8.    Increase the quality of measurement and performance evaluation in the internal management
9.    Increase the quality of professional faculty management
10.    Increase the function of normative body
11.    Increase the external relevance and faculty services
12.    Increase the health performance of faculty organizations
13.    Enhnce the dissemination of research to the national and international level
14.    Enhance the approval of research grants, development nd competitive community services
Strategy to Achieve Target:

In order to achive the target stated, a clearr and cohesive time stage has been made that is realistic to the yearly operational plan of the faculty, which consists of programs and activities that will be done in that year. These activy programs are:
1.    Evaluate the curiculm of each study program on a regular basis
2.    Develop a learning pattern that is sistematic and cohesive
3.    Increase the recruitment quality of students, teaching and monotring and evaluating
4.    Increase the academic atmosphere that supports and academic culture based on ta dialogue princple that supports egalitarian relationships between faculty and students.
5.    Increase the quality of facilit and infrastructure as well as enhancing technology in accordance to the development of a professional management system
6.    Increase the ability and function of the Faculty Planning and Information Systems department.
7.    Increase the faculty quality assurance system that is based on the university’s quality assurance guidelines
8.    Increase the quality of human resources and infrastructure that wil enefit the teaching procss
9.    Increase the quality of performance evauation system
10.    Optimaliz the function of a faculty normative body
11.    Develop a budget management system that is efective, efficient  and transparent in order to increase society participation in the eduction funding.
12.    Increase the academic service quality
13.    Develop a organisation system that is efective and efficient
14.    Increase a research capability and partnerships in majoring in national and internationa level research
15.    Facilitate the supports the lecture capability development in research and community services areas as well as prepare the development system that is needed.

The strategy to achive the targets are done through these following stages:
1. The preparation of the a four year Renstra done by involving all stakeholders.
2. Prepare a four year Operational Plan which will be translated into program to be carried out each year.
3. Support Curriculum adjustments for the courses that suit the science development and the needs and demands of the market.
4. Apply a balanced learning pattern between academic ability (hard skill) and soft skill ability.
5. To cultivate and improve the quality of the lecturers in the process of learning and teaching.
6. Applying the principles of dialogue and two-way communication enabling an egalitarian relationship between teachig staffs and student
7. Replacement inadegqute facilities and infrastructure and the application of advanced information technology.
8. Optimization of Quality Assurance Unit at the faculty level.
9. Encourage academic staff and supportig staff to further their study and follow the training according to the expertise needed.
10. Apply an internal and external evaluation system
11. Evaluate the performance of each units and normative bodies of the faculty in order to emhancethe role and functions
12. Form a partnership body and increase the role and fucntion of potential organisations in funding
13. Draw up and implement a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Manual and Operational Procedure (MOP) of  academic services in each service unit.
14. Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and performance of the faculty organisation.
15. Encourage lecturers to improve skills in preparation of research proposal community services through various research training.