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Print Journalist – Reliable Young Journalist, Communication Science Unas Holds Journalistic Photography Exhibition

Jakarta (UNAS) - Speaking of journalistic photography certainly can not be separated from the issue of news and techniques of retrieving a reporting object. How a picture can visualize an event in a community so that the reader or enjoy can feel the vibrations that are in the picture when viewed. Photography Journalism is widely used in the world of news and photographs will adorn a series of news that will be communicated to the community through newspapers, tabloids, magazines and bulletins. According to Cliff Edom, one of the professors of the University of Missouri of the United States, Journalistic Photography is the result of word and picture or Word and Picture. How a picture is displayed can describe a word in the news so it can affect people's minds. Similar opinion was also expressed by one of Life magazine's editors, Wilson Hicks, that a combination of words and images that resulted in a single communications unit existed in common between the educational background and the social level of the reader.

Given how important the benefits of the skills to operate journalistic photography then the National University through science communication program held a journalistic photography exhibition for the active students who are currently studying at Unas. A total of 25 works of photography art exhibited on the front page of National University inipun invite click amazed for the other students who see.

Given how important the benefits of the skills to operate journalistic photography then the National University through science communication program held a photography exhibition journalism for the students - mahDitemui exhibition room of photography work Raden Daniel Wisnuwhardana as a lecturer of communication science said that the exhibition event of photography jurnaslistik this is one of the arena where students who have taken courses in journalism and advertising to be able to apply the theories that have been obtained into a work of good, true and have high artistic value. The man who is familiarly called Bang Daniel even adds, if the works of art that can be exhibited this is the best artwork that has been through several stages of selection from experts including lecturers and photography practitioners. Later from 25 best photos will be filtered into the big 4 which will be included in the event of the Indonesian Photography Festival, in addition, he said, the participants whose work has been published will get a reward of the value of "A" in this course. Asked about the criteria of the assessment of Danielpun, said that good photo criteria include the balance of color composition, lighting and angle of shooting, meet the elements of good news with a pattern of 5 W 1 H and the suitability of the theme with the contents of the photos are aligned. is currently studying at Unas. A total of 25 works of photography art exhibited on the front page of National University inipun invite click amazed for the other students who see.

"This journalistic photography exhibition is a series of routine activities that have been conducted since 2015. Students who currently take journalism and advertising subjects are required to create artwork photography journalism where the participants are free to choose a theme in accordance with the rules of journalism they have learned. This four-day event is a venue for young journalists who want to pour their ideas and creativity into a work of art where they can show off their hard work in front of the public. Therefore I appeal to the participants whose work has not managed to pass the selection to not despair and continue to develop the potential that has been owned. Do not be afraid to continue to work because to be a reliable journalist not only requires a qualified skill but also perfect psychological techniques in understanding an object ", said Daniel at UNAS hall, Friday (16/6).

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Indrawan

    Masih muda namun sudah berprestasi & memiliki bakat yang menjanjikan.

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