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Communication Studies Unas Back So Favorite Thousands of New Student Candidate

JAKARTA – Communication Studies of the National University again crowned as the favorite study programs for prospective new students who are following the Joint Selection Entrance State University (SBMPTN). Unas as the second oldest private universities in Indonesia for its achievements both at national and international level it was at number 59 out of 3,320 universities – Indonesia not be surprised if the National University is still the target, at least for 859 new students.

As reported by the National Survey of Tempo on Tuesday (11/4) found 12 faculties favorite target for future students. The survey conducted on 859 respondents overall high school students of class XII. Each consisting of 260 students from the Greater Jakarta, Bandung 120 students, 124 students in Yogyakarta, 122 students Surabaya, Medan 115 students, and 118 students of Makassar. Of the 859 respondents, 61 per cent of girls and 39 percent of men. The age of respondents consisted of 18-19 years by 17 per cent and those aged 16-17 years by 83 percent.

The study program of Communication Sciences of the National University of Private Universities in the category most in demand by prospective students interested in taking the Communication Studies as their concentration. In addition to majoring in Communication Studies survey of high school students grade X11 is also put some porgram studies that currently still have great appeal include Information Technology and Computer Science, Accounting, Legal, General Medicine, Visual Communication Design, Psychology, Management, International relations, Teknil Civil, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Not only compete with state universities such as UI, ITB, IPB, Diponegoro University, GMU etc. National University also has to compete with other private colleges such as the London School of Public Relations (LSPR), Bina Nusantara (Binus), Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP), UNIKOM, Pancasila University, Islamic University of Indonesia, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Budi Luhur University, and the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile encountered diruang kerjannya Chairman of Social Communication Studies UNAS Yayu Sriwartini, S. Sos, M.Si expressed her pleasure at the whole achievement that has been achieved by Prodi Communication. He also hopes that in the future the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social) as a container of Communication Studies increasingly popular and loved by the public.

“Thank God Praise Prodi back Communication Studies has been named as one of the favorites Prodi tempo version of the survey. This is the second time after 2016. Of course this is the result of hard work and the participation and the entire academic community participation in the Prodi Communications Unas. Do not forget the role of the faculty and university leaders who have always supported a wide range of academic / non academic faculty and students. I hope that this achievement be a stimulus and encouragement Prodi Communications To continue to carve achievements of others with better again. Hopefully this makes Prodi Communications, Fisip and Unas increasingly becoming the choice for the community, “he concluded.

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