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Workshop and Public Speaking Competition 2017 Comweeks Decorate Gelaran

JAKARTA (UNAS) – In order to celebrate the annual event title Communication Student Association (HIMAKOM) National University held a Public Speaking Competition to be held on Tuesday (28/2) at diruang seminar block 1 floor 3 Unas , The event is intended not only for students of Communication Studies Unas course but participated invite students of SMA / SMK equivalent to taking part in the race this time. Present representatives of SMK 57, SMK SMA Bunda bladder and 9 South Tangerang. In the event, this time the committee on the theme of “How To Be A Confident And Creative Public Speaker” where participants are required to present their work in front of the audience consisting of students and students – students from each – each school. Present as the jury at the race this time is Swastiningsih SE, MSi and Zuhdi Saragih SH., M.Ikom.

The event was opened by the Chairman of Communication Studies Yayu Sriwartini, S. Sos., M.Si was opened with a prayer by a moderator. Interviewed after the event Maulida Riskia or familiarly called Maulida as Chairman of the Committee on this occasion said that the purpose of the activity competition this time was to establish confidence for each young generation, especially the academics who are interested in the world of journalism. With more forward ideas and creativity in pouring an idea or ideas that are easy to understand and be understood by the public. Women who are still listed as a student of Communication Sciences Department Unas by taking the concentration of PR is also hoped that kedepanya Student Association Communications (HIMAKOM) Unas can be more bold in practice the theory – the theory that they can during the course in order to be useful to herself and her future , “Many of us who are currently majoring in communications but still afraid even confidence to perform in front of crowds it is a challenge for us as students who are majoring in communication in order to become an example of how to be a good speaker” he added.

While interrupted – between Swastiningsih event as the jury did not forget to give appreciation to the participants of this 2017 Comweeks on the enthusiasm of the participants consisting of students-students SMA / SMK and Communication Sciences students in attendance.

“I am very proud of all the guys in particular who are still in high school at the age you are still 15-16 years you’ve been able to appear in front of people with confidence that you have”.

Before ending pembicaraanya not forget he gives his assessment on the performance of the participants including the Engineering holds a good mic, Gesture during the presentation as well as the volume and tone of voice during a presentation.

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