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Radio Workshop Paint Event Commweeks

JAKARTA (UNAS) – In order to fill the performance Comweeks 2017 Communication Student Association (HIMAKOM) UNAS organizes “Radio Training For Students – Students of high school located in the neighborhood of the National University”. The event lasted for two days followed by approximately six representatives from each – each school are: SMK 67, SMK Harapan, SMK 28, SMK Bhayangkari, 4 and SMK SMK Bunda bladder. This training starts on 22 s / d on February 24 and held in Jln Bambu Kuning, Radio Laboratory of the National University.

Met interrupted – between sessions to Djujur Luciana Radio Laboratory Head, S. Sos., M.Si said that the purpose of the training activities of this radio is an annual event in commemoration of the communication studies program named Comweeks. Comweeks own lists of activities – activities that include national seminars, radio training, training, public speaking and photography competitions. The reason for choosing Radio laboratory as a destination for learning journalism because the facilities and resources are qualified in their field so as to facilitate in the world to introduce journalists and broadcast to the younger generation.

Djujur also hope that the future will also have the National University Television Laboratories with complete equipment and adequate to achieve the optimal learning process. “Let’s hope that next year the event comweeks more creative and innovative in order to be able to attract more participants from the Unas environment in particular and from outside the region Unas environment in general” Append Djujur ,.

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